The headlines that made most buzz on this page
12/11/15 16:09
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מאת BBC News
A man pleads guilty to causing the death of a cyclist who was knocked off his bike in a road rage incident in Huddersfield.
12/11/15 01:09
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מאת BBC News
Russian President Vladimir Putin orders an investigation into claims the country's athletes have been part of systematic doping.
12/11/15 02:13
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מאת BBC News
India's prime minister set to land in the UK later for the start of a three-day official visit as a guest of his UK counterpart, David Cameron.
12/11/15 03:10
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מאת BBC News
A Scottish nurse who was readmitted to hospital after suffering complications arising from the Ebola infection is discharged after making a full recovery.
12/11/15 03:21
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מאת BBC News
The Canadian city of Montreal has begun an operation to dump billions of gallons of raw sewage into the St Lawrence river.
12/11/15 03:21
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מאת BBC News
Astronomers have identified the most distant object yet in the Solar System - a likely icy body three times further away than even far-flung Pluto.
12/11/15 05:09
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מאת BBC News
The UK is "ignoring known risks of flood and erosion at the coast" and immediate action is needed to manage the threats, the National Trust warns.
12/11/15 05:09
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מאת BBC News
Doctors have expressed alarm at a seemingly sharp fall in the number of people having the seasonal flu jab.