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25/08/20 13:34
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מאת ערוץ 7
Bobov Hasidic movement in Boro Park, Brooklyn urges members to adhere to social distancing rules - or wear masks in public.
25/08/20 14:06
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מאת ערוץ 7
A 17-year-old youth has sustained moderate injuries after falling from his bicycle In a bike track in the Joara forest.MDA paramedics and responders treated him at the scene of the incident and transported him to Rambam hospital in Haifa.
25/08/20 14:31
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מאת ערוץ 7
Only visitors from 'green countries' with low levels of coronavirus infection rates permitted into Israel. US citizens still barred.
25/08/20 15:05
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מאת ערוץ 7
Police in Bnei Brak have dispersed a large crowd, reportedly of hundreds, in a hall In Grobard Street. Those found not wearing face masks were issued with citations.One man in his twenties was arrested for disrupting the police in the execution of their duties.
25/08/20 15:30
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מאת ערוץ 7
At his weekly press briefing, Professor Roni Gamzu stated: "I am against traveling to Uman and will not change my mind."Every Rosh Hashana thousands of Israelis travel to Uman in the Ukraine to pray at the grave of Rebbe Nachman from Breslav. Uopn his death, Rebbe Nachman promised he would intercede for good in the life of anyone who came to pray at his grave In Rosh Hashana.Gamzu's fear is crowds that pack together in planes traveling to and praying in Uman could spread the coronavirus.
25/08/20 16:46
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מאת ערוץ 7
Police release footage of arrest of terrorist in Jenin who critically wounded Israeli man in stabbing attack in Rosh Ha'Ayin
25/08/20 17:52
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מאת ערוץ 7
The economic correspondent of Haaretz Nehemia Stressler forecasts an early exit of corona czar Roni Gamzu if he gives in to demands of the ultra-orthodox to allow flights to Uman."If he gives in, he's finished," Stressler predicted. "He will not have the ability to stop anything. The coronavirus will spread rapidly and he will be declared a failure. He should consider the 13-year-old ultra-orthodox boy Menachem who has been orphaned from his father and who also lost his grandfather and great uncle to the coronavirus."
25/08/20 18:02
12.5% of the views
מאת ערוץ 7
Rabbi Yehuda Dukes endured four collapsed lungs, experienced a stroke and underwent a liver biopsy due to COVID-19. Now he's recovering.