The headlines that made most buzz on this page
19/07/23 17:22
6.9% of the views
מאת ערוץ 7
Elderly woman's life saved after relatives find her unresponsive and call emergency services
19/07/23 17:53
6.9% of the views
מאת ערוץ 7
Israeli President addresses joint session of Congress, warns US, world must not stand by and allow Iran to fulfill its threats.
19/07/23 20:05
6.9% of the views
מאת ערוץ 7
Kosher meat is following step after meat prices in the US take a gigantic price hike.
19/07/23 20:49
6.9% of the views
מאת ערוץ 7
Chazal assure us that whoever properly observes the customs of mourning over Yerushalayim will witness the joy of its reconstruction.
19/07/23 17:29
3.45% of the views
מאת ערוץ 7
Gottlieb says she isn't impressed by fighter pilots threatening to leave the army and adds that every combat soldier can be a pilot anyway.
19/07/23 17:55
3.45% of the views
מאת ערוץ 7
President Herzog is speaking before a joint session of Congress."Let there be no doubt: Iran does not strive to attain nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Iran is building nuclear capabilities, that pose a threat to the stability of the Middle East and beyond. Every country or region controlled or infiltrated by Iran has experienced utter havoc. We have seen this in Yemen, Gaza, in Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. In fact, we have seen this in Iran itself where the regime has lost its people and is suppressing them brutally," he said."Iran has spread hatred, terror and suffering throughout the Middle East and beyond, adding fuel to the disastrous fire and suffering in Ukraine."
19/07/23 18:00
3.45% of the views
מאת ערוץ 7
"My deep yearning, Mr. Speaker, is for Israel to Ine day make peace with our Palestinian neighbors. Over the years, Israel has taken bold steps towards peace and made far-reaching proposals to our Palestinian neighbors," said President Herzog during his speech to Congress. Herzog, did, however, point out that peace will not be made with those who support terror."Notwithstanding the deep political differences and the numerous challenges that surround Israeli-Palestinian relations – and I do not ignore them - but it should be clear that Ine cannot talk about peace while condoning or legitimizing terror, implicitly or explicitly. True peace cannot be anchored in violence," he pointed out.
19/07/23 18:07
3.45% of the views
מאת ערוץ 7
“I think any more pain would break them.”